Robert Grey

Robert Grey

St Edmund Hall, Oxford in Law, UK


Robert Grey  MA FCII has a Masters Degree from St Edmund Hall, Oxford in Law, and is a Fellow of the Chartered Insurance Institute. He has worked in insurance in the United Kingdom and abroad. He has spent the past 20 years in the Middle East as General Manager for Bahrain National Life Insurance with a focus on the expansion of Health insurance. He was Director of American Mission Hospital, Bahrain, responsible for risk management and quality of care. He was on the national committee investigating compulsory health insurance. He is a qualified UK Athletics coach focusing on the benefits of exercise on health.



Many studies have considered the beneficial effects of exercise on health as a general topic. These beneficial effects can be sub-divided into: extending longevity, lowering body mass index measurements, reducing the  risk of some cancers, heart disease and other chronic illnesses, improving fertility, reducing the risk of falls and more.

How much of this is attributable to exercise and how much to the healthy diet that  acompanies exercise. By considering and analysing the main benefits of exercise and diet we can assess how these two factors contribute to an overall improvement in health and the prevention of some illnesses and diseases.

We will examine how exercise affects the following:

  • improving feelings of well-being and reduce feelings of depression and stress.Does being deprived of exercise increase negativity.
  • Weight reduction but which is more effective exercise or diet. Exercise is crucial to encouraging and maintaining an active metabolism that burns more calories.
  • Maintaining strong muscles and bones and reducing the risk of osteoporosis
  • How much of an increase in energy levals
  • Reducing the risk of chronic desease by daily physical activity
  • Promoting antioxidant protection and promotion of blood flow to protect skin and delay signs of aging
  • Exercise can reduce changes in the brain that can cause Alzheimers disease.
  •  How much exercise is essential to a good nights quality sleep.
  • How exercise can increase tolerance to pain
  • How exercise improves sexual desire, function and performance in men and women.