Mohammed A. Darwish

Mohammed A. Darwish

Magrabi Aseer Hospital, KSA


Dr. Mohammed Ali Darwish has been Graduated from Faculty of Oral and Dental Medicine, Suez Canal University, EGYPT, as an Oral and Dental Doctor, with the specialties including Oral Medicine, Dental Surgery, Diploma in Hospital Management from , Suez Canal University, EGYPT, Diploma in Total Quality Management for Healthcare Reform. Also he is a Certified Healthcare Quality Profissional from the HQCC, Chicago, and then started working at The Egyptian Ministry of Health where he has continued his research. Presently he is an Operations and Quality Manager at Magarabi Hospital and Centers, KSA.



Empowerment as an essential approach in nowadays total quality management carried implications for people management and employers were urged to move away from an approach based on compliance, hierarchical authority and limited employee discretion to one where there was greater emphasis on high trust relations, teamworking and empowerment, with calls for employee commitment and the utilisation of workforce expertise. Under TQM, continuous improvement is undertaken by those involved in a process and this introduces elements of bottom-up issue identification and problem solving. As a result TQM may empower employees by delegating functions that were previously the preserve of more senior organisational members and as a result institutionalise participation on a permanent basis. The term empowerment has been used very loosely by practitioners and indeed academics. Empowerment could be associated with the redistribution of power, but in practice empowerment is usually seen as a form of employee involvement, designed by management and intended to generate commitment and enhance employee contributions to the organisation. The message is the need to move away from the hard rationalist models driven by accountants and engineers to a more simple intuitive style of management. “Productivity through people”, “autonomy and entrepreneurship” summed up the philosophy which when combined with “the customer is king” provided the context for current empowerment ideas.