Joima Panisello Royo

Joima Panisello Royo

Internal Medicine FUFOSA Health Fundation, Madrid, Spain


Dr. Joima Panisello Royo received his B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees from, Barcelona, Spain and his Ph.D. from the University of Barcelona “cum laude”.  She was a Research Assistant Professor of Medicine at the University of  Barcelona in Spain in from 1988 to 1991. She was Post Graduate   in Health Management in ESADE in 2000 and postgraduate in quality in Health Services in Institute of Medical Education  Avedis Donabedian. She was Head of Department of Hospital General Igualada  1996 since 2004. Nowadays She is general director of FUFOSA, Health Foundation in Madrid (SPAIN). In 2013 she achieved a Master´s degree Digital Health Technology in Ramon Llull University. Since 2012 is chief mediacl officer of two health digotal platform, Medtep and Iwopi.



A range of innovative websites, mobile technologies, eHealth and mHealth platforms have emerged to support chronic diseases. Most research into mobile health and the others has focused on validating single entrepreneurial apps, rather than pursuing rigorous RCTs to validate principles that can guide development of future apps and to validate their results according to medicine based care.

Medtep Inc. is a Care Management Platform that facilitates lasting behavioral changes by personalizing validated prevention and treatment plans for chronic and rare diseases, and mental health. It is divided into two sections: Medtep Professionals (for healthcare professionals) and Medtep (for patients). 

Clinical protocols from leading experts in the healthcare sector are turned into digital Care Plans that patients can easily understand and engage with, favoring increased adherence and system cost reduction. These digital Care Plans are specifically designed to meet the needs of the users. These are typical data entry systems (e.g., custom protocols or integration with third party tracking devices) and processed data representation systems in the form of dashboards (e.g., graphics, statistics or personalized advice). 

We will present our results in: Asthma, mental health, hemophylia, obesity, and multiple myeloma patients follow during a year at least.