Cahayu Putri S.Farm

Cahayu Putri S.Farm

University of Industrial Technology and Pharmacy Indonesia (STTIF Bogor)


Cahayu Putri S.Farm has been Graduated from University of Industrial Technology and Pharmacy as Pharmacist Indonesia (STTIF Bogor) with the specialize in Herbal research, Phytochemical, and Instrumentation Analysis. Have worked for almost 6 years as Quality Control in Pharmacy Industry and latest position as Head of QC in Japfa Group.



Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a metabolic disorder caused by damage of Langerhans β cells in the pancreas gland so that the hormone insulin is secreted in small amounts neither not even at all. Cherry leaves and green tea leaves are rich of antioxidant compounds that can protect the β Langerhans cells from damage by radicals.The purpose of this research is to obtain the herbal tea preparations from combination of cherry leaves (Muntingia calabura L.) and green tea leaves (Camellia sinensis) which fulfilled with SNI 01-4324-1996 requirements and also to obtain the data of stability intrepretation as a shelf life of the product. Phytochemical testing was carried out on the both simplicia, which then were made as herbal tea combination of cherry leaves and green tea leaves of proportion 1: 1, 2: 3, and 3: 2 were met the quality requirements and tested for stability with ASLT method by Arrhenius method. The phytochemical test results from both simplicia shown positive results containing alkaloids, flavonoids, tannin, saponins, steroids and triterpenoids. Stability testing of the product was carried out for 30 days that packed in a box of ivory LLDPE laminate paper at 3 differents temperature 5oC±3oC, 25oC±2oC/RH60%±5 and 45oC±2oC/RH 75%±5 with parameters water content, total phenol content, and flavonoid content. The optimum storage temperature of 3:2 proportion obtained a shelflife at 5oC of 125 days, at 25oC of 114 days and at  45oC of 89 days. Every  change of 10oC temperature would affect the quality of  the herbal tea.